Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More than we can handle

So, God never gives us more than we can handle.  But sometimes I wonder what He was thinking!!!  This year of students is by far the most difficult class I've ever had.  It's making me reconsider everything about the way I teach.  I hope I figure it out soon because I'm leaving every day totally stressed out.  I stress out about being so stressed out!  Ahhh! I'm really afraid that being so stressed out is going to make it even harder to get pregnant.  I'm on my 2nd round of Clomid, and we're praying that it works this time.  I hope I look back at this time in my life/career with appreciation of how much God taught me.  I'm trying to keep an open mind and a positive spirit, but I've never been so unhappy with my job.  What is God trying to teach me?

1 comment:

  1. I read a quote earlier today "Let go, Let God." I think it's so easy for us all to believe that WE are the ones in charge of everything... I am sorry that your all's road to pregnancy is a longer one than it is to some, but I pray that you all are blessed with those two pink lines soon (my prayers have been that the Clomid works and that God blesses you all this year with a sweet baby in your belly (or two or three). We love you and are so excited for the day that you two become parents!!!!!

